Back to Blogging

It’s been a while since my last post. However I have really, really missed writing. The past few weeks I have kept telling myself that I would get back into it and start writing again, but every night just seemed to pass by too quickly or I was too tired and just unmotivated to do it. But tonight something changed.

I received some pretty hard-to-hear news tonight and it changed my perspective on everything. Who cares what we are having for Thanksgiving on Thursday? Who cares what I ate today or any other day of the year? and who cares if you have to stay up an extra hour later so you can read or write or sing or do whatever creative outlet you find satisfying…? Because really, in the bigger scheme of things that we call LIFE, none of this stuff matters. What matters is how you spend your days and who you are spending them with (and yes, I know I am ending this sentence with a prepositional phrase and as much as the grammatical editing nazi in me wants to fix it, I’m too tired and honestly I really don’t even care! remember: we are focusing on the bigger things in life now)

So, while I am not going to go into detail about the news I received tonight, I will tell you that it has inspired me to do something that I probably wouldn’t be able to do otherwise.  On December 14, I am going to run a full marathon (with really NO training, pre-planning on preparation being that I am starting my “training” um… er…. tomorrow? hopefully) in honor of and in dedication to my dad.

I grew up watching him get out of bed each morning to run around the neighborhood while it was still dark and we spent many of our family trips traveling around to cheer for him in marathons and triathlons. As much fun as I had rooting for him, I never had any interest in participating with him or taking part in any of his fitness shenanigans. and now that I’ve come to a point in my life where I really enjoy being physically active and would love nothing more than to get to run a race together one day, my dad is no longer involved in any sort of race or sporting event.

BUT, he is my biggest cheerleader and encourager (mom you are great too!!!!) and I would love nothing more than to get to run a full marathon dedicated to him.

SO… while I’ve been debating on what to blog about the past few days, I think now I know – and I will use this as an avenue to try to track my progress, record my thoughts, verbalize my struggles, and hopefully get to share my successes with you all too! So please, keep me accountable – I’ve got a marathon to get ready for in 2.5 weeks!?!!

We can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens us right????? Let’s do this baby!!!

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